2021 Philippine International Seminar

What is Appropriate Technology?

– responsive  to the needs of the community

– generate real benefits, promote social justice and equitability among disadvantaged sectors and population

– based on people’s participation – objective of developing local capacities and overall technological self-reliance

– strictly observes the basic regard for environmental conservation and protection.

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SIBAT and LGUS Adopt Relay-Transport Scheme To Deliver MHP Supplies Amidst Border Closures Due to the Pandemic

With the current travel bans and border closures enforced by various LGU’s to contain the pandemic in their respective areas, SIBAT is highly constrained travelling to its project sites. Particularly challenging is delivering electrical and other supplies including personnel to implement repair and upgrading work for its numerous MHP projects in the provinces of Abra Kalinga and Apayao.

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Erecting RE-based Transmission Line GI Posts Gets Boost from Filipino “Bayanihan” Spirit

The welders take charge of welding reusable racks to the new GI posts, men of built as most do carry the transmission line posts to their designated locations. Others dig holes for the post base, while the rest of the community men and women carry bags of cement and gravel. These are the indigenous peoples of Brgy Mataragan Malibcong Abra extending their share of time and effort to replace their decaying wooden transmission posts to GI Pipes along a kilometer-long stretch where households can tap. They’ve been working on this since April.

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Indigenous Communities Trained for MHP Operation and Maintenance

Sixty (60) select indigenous men and women representing 10 barangays in Abra went through an intensive two-day Microhydro Operations and Maintenance Training conducted by SIBAT last March 25-26 in Tubo Abra. The trainees were chosen by their respective communities based on their interest and willingness to do the job. Those who commit for the training should have no plan of leaving the community in the next two years. This is to equip local partners with at least the basic technical know how in operating and maintaining their michrohydro systems to lessen downtimes and breakdowns.

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APFSD8 : Appropriate Technology Choice for Alternative Development of Asian Countries – Toward A Sustainable Post-Pandemic Society

In this event, in order to accelerate action and transformation for the attainment of SDGs, “A Comprehensive Framework on Appropriate Technology Choice for Sustainable Development” will be proposed, along with concrete examples of appropriate technology choice based on practices in Indonesia and the Philippines. The framework can lead to the sustainable and resilient post-pandemic society, where basic needs such as water, foods and electricity are supplied locally and self-sufficiently, participatory small to medium scale local industries are developed, and local people associate and exchange widely and inter-locally.

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