Lessons from the Field:
An Assessment of SIBAT’s Experiences on Community Based Micro Hydro Power Systems
This book was produced to provide a summative evaluation of SIBAT’s community-based renewable energy systems (CBRES) towards further development of the CBRES framework in order to enhance its significance and sustainability as a strategy for Philippine rural development.

The Great Rice Robbery
A Handbook on the Impact of IRRI in Asia
This resource book on IRRI highlights the serious impacts of IRRI’s actions and its close ties with the agrochemical industry. This is a tribute to the peasant rice farmers and agricultural workers especiallly in Asia who have suffered and are still suffering the full brunt of IRRI’s failed experimentation through the Green Revolution.

Modules on Documenting Organic Rice Production
PAN-AP & SIBAT in collaboration with KUDUMBAN-LIESA Network, RRAFA & Gita Pertiwi
This compilation of modules provides a valuable guide for paddy farmers and extension workers in their efforts to promote organic rice production and other sustainable agriculture practices.