SIBAT and Global Giving, a crowdfunding platform and long time partner of SIBAT distributed the second batch of 250 embroidered facemasks vitamins and alcohol to the elderly, women and children coming from five barangays in Abra and Kalinga. This is definitely not enough but is just a fraction of the supply needed to help ward off the infections and preventing it from spreading to other barangays and communities. It is hoped this could at least augment government supply for the communities.
Earlier, some community members coming from covid hotspots cities like Manila are covid positive and infected the locals. This means the covid virus has invaded this far flung areas risking the health of many. To date, the cases are spiking that local government units are enforcing tracing, testing, quarantine measures , and closing their borders. It is feared this will continue for sometime until cases goes down.

Also, this batch of face masks are ordered and custom-made for long-haul protection. These are made of embroidered indigenous fabric materials that are long-lasting tailored by urban poor women seamstresses in Baguio City who are struggling to keep their trade afloat with the pandemic. Hence, not only, SIBAT and Global Giving’s support benefit indigenous peoples but also to the women dressmakers who depended on this enterprise for their livelihood. ###