Kalinga State University Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Students Start 30-Day Internship in Microhydro Communities

Excited to get a hands-on feel of real world work, five incoming fourth year students in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering from Kalinga State University (KSU) College of Engineering and Information Technology in Bulanao, Tabuk City Kalinga Province in Northern Luzon got their first on-the-job training (OJT) in the microhydro prower project in Brgy Talalang, Balbalan, Kalinga Province.

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Fresh, organic, nutritious and pesticide-free vegetables from Mangarita Organic Farm – SIBAT

SIBAT’s Mangarita Organic Farm sustains production of fresh, organic, nutritious and pesticide-free vegetables. This shows producing food crops without the use of hazardous chemicals and pesticides is highly possible. Given the proper support, this production process could be replicated even in backyard spaces. Filipinos need not suffer from food scarcity much more hunger if small scale food production are promoted and fully supported.

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2021 Philippine International Seminar

What is Appropriate Technology?

– responsive  to the needs of the community

– generate real benefits, promote social justice and equitability among disadvantaged sectors and population

– based on people’s participation – objective of developing local capacities and overall technological self-reliance

– strictly observes the basic regard for environmental conservation and protection.

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