On NEDA’s “Plant, plant, plant”

We in SIBAT that promoted and trained farmers on agroecological farming systems suggests that the department should instead consider this long-tested farming systems to boost food production. Various groups networks and practitioners all over the world have shown that agroecology is the way to ensure food security and farmers income.

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YES to Golden Harvest but NO to Golden Rice!

It can be done! SIBAT farm technicians once again showed that this soon- to- be harvested Red, Black and White Rice under Varietal Adaptability Trials (VAT) could really produce a potentially golden rice harvest. This means that we don’t really need hazardous genetically engineered rice crop to provide food for our homes and communities especially rice as our staple food which we Asians can do without.

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Fresh, organic, nutritious and pesticide-free vegetables from Mangarita Organic Farm – SIBAT

SIBAT’s Mangarita Organic Farm sustains production of fresh, organic, nutritious and pesticide-free vegetables. This shows producing food crops without the use of hazardous chemicals and pesticides is highly possible. Given the proper support, this production process could be replicated even in backyard spaces. Filipinos need not suffer from food scarcity much more hunger if small scale food production are promoted and fully supported.

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