A Learning Exchange  focused on Climate Justice conversations exploring common actions and Future Directions

The learning exchange was participated in by graduate students from NIHON FUKUSHI UNIVERSITY  Graduate School  of International Development Studies a  long partner of the College of Social Work and Community Development University of the Philippines Diliman Quezon City and the Sibol Ng Agham at Teknolohiya (SIBAT) last August 21-22.

SIBAT discussed the challenges in energy and agriculture and why it opted to promote Appropriate Technology as opposed to prevailing government projects.  These issues include  diminishing agricultural land especially in Capas Tarlac where a Green City is being developed dislocating a lot of Aeta IP. In Energy development, SIBAT presented the Philippine Energy Transition Plan which is focused on big-ticket Renewable Energy (RE) Projects like solar farms on land on the piloted floating solar farms in Laguna lake, the offshore wind energy projects and building of new dams which are socially and environmentally destructive.  As alternative to these, SIBAT is promoting community-based michrohydro systems, solar projects focused on water pumping for irrigation and potable water use and currently under Research and Development, small solar-wind systems that are technically viable and environmentally sound systems.

The students got to talk with organic farmers previous trained by SIBAT now applying climate-resilient agriculture practices.   The day was capped with songs, dances,  good food and gratitude for the valuable learnings and insights gained during the short visit and expressed  wishes to meet again in the future!  

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