The Philippines as a developing country needs research and development support to boost the socio-economic conditions of the estimated 70% of its rural poor which is underserved by science and technology interventions. With R&D curriculum integrated in schools, the research plans and activities may have the potential to be of service to the science, technology and engineering needs of our poor rural communities.
In this regard, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Adamson University and the Sibol ng Agham at Teknolohiya (SIBAT Inc.), that pioneered and innovated the Community-Based Renewable Energy Systems in the Philippines organized this event themed ”Enhancing Technologies and Innovations for Grassroots Needs : an Academe, NGO, PO Interface on Appropriate Technology.” This was held on April 26, 2023, from 8:00 am-5:pm at the Claro M. Recto Hall, Polytechnic University of the Philippines Main Campus, Sta. Mesa Manila. The gathering aims to (1) know the appropriate technology breakthroughs, gaps and challenges in our rural communities, (2) learn about the research and development thrusts, directions and current activities of the academe and (3) identify areas of academe/NGO/community research and development cooperation.