SIBAT’s Deputy Director Shen Maglinte led the team to visit Mayor Rhea Bacuyag together with former Mayor Romando Bacuyag of Malibcong and Mayor Liberty B. La-os of Tubo, Abra Philippines. Both LGU’s were interested and very supportive for building and upgrading the micro-hydro projects in the off-grid communities in their respective municipalities. They gave us the “go signal” to continue the projects that was halted because of the pandemic and also giving us assurance for the safety of our engineers and technicians to operate under their jurisdiction.
After visiting LGU Abra, the team headed to the province of Kalinga to meet Governor James Edduba to coordinate for the Micro-Hydro Summit. Governor Edduba immediately shows his support for the summit and even suggested to include other barangays that are also interested of having a Micro-Hydro Power in their communities.